MLT  7.30.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Canimation_node_sPrivate animation list node
 Cclip_referencesPrivate to mlt_producer_s, used by mlt_producer_optimise()
 Ccondition_pairPrivate to mlt_events_struct, used by mlt_events_wait_for()
 Cconsumer_privatePrivate members of mlt_consumer
 Cdeque_entryDeque entry class
 Cmlt_animation_item_sAnimation class
 Cmlt_animation_sProperty Animation class
 Cmlt_audio_sAudio class
 Cmlt_cache_item_sCache item class
 Cmlt_cache_sCache class
 Cmlt_chain_basePrivate service definition
 Cmlt_colorA tuple of color components
 Cmlt_deque_sDouble-Ended Queue (deque) class
 Cmlt_event_dataA container for data that may be supplied with an event
 Cmlt_event_data_threadAn event data structure to convey thread parameters
 Cmlt_event_structEvent class
 Cmlt_events_structEvents class
 Cmlt_factory_event_dataThe event data for all factory-related events
 Cmlt_field_sField class
 Cmlt_playlist_clip_infoStructure for returning clip information from a playlist entry
 Cmlt_pool_sPool (memory) class
 Cmlt_profile_sProfile class
 Cmlt_properties_sProperties class
 Cmlt_frame_sFrame class
 Cmlt_parser_sParser class
 Cmlt_repository_sRepository class
 Cmlt_service_sService abstract base class
 Cmlt_consumer_sConsumer abstract service class
 Cmlt_filter_sFilter abstract service class
 Cmlt_producer_sProducer abstract service class
 Cmlt_chain_sChain class
 Cmlt_link_sLink class
 Cmlt_multitrack_sMultitrack class
 Cmlt_playlist_sPlaylist class
 Cmlt_tractor_sTractor class
 Cmlt_transition_sTransition abstract service class
 Cmlt_property_sProperty class
 Cmlt_rectA rectangle type with coordinates, size, and opacity
 Cmlt_service_basePrivate service definition
 Cmlt_tokeniserTokeniser class
 Cmlt_track_sTrack class used by mlt_multitrack_s
 Cplaylist_entry_sVirtual playlist entry used by mlt_playlist_s
 Cproperty_listPrivate implementation of the property list
 Cstrbuf_sPrivate to mlt_properties_s, a self-growing buffer for building strings
 Ctrack_infoPrivate to mlt_producer_s, used by mlt_producer_optimise()
 Cyaml_parser_contextYAML Tiny Parser context structure