Canimation_node_s | Private animation list node |
Cclip_references | Private to mlt_producer_s, used by mlt_producer_optimise() |
Ccondition_pair | Private to mlt_events_struct, used by mlt_events_wait_for() |
Cconsumer_private | Private members of mlt_consumer |
Cdeque_entry | Deque entry class |
Cmlt_animation_item_s | Animation class |
Cmlt_animation_s | Property Animation class |
Cmlt_audio_s | Audio class |
Cmlt_cache_item_s | Cache item class |
Cmlt_cache_s | Cache class |
Cmlt_chain_base | Private service definition |
Cmlt_color | A tuple of color components |
Cmlt_deque_s | Double-Ended Queue (deque) class |
Cmlt_event_data | A container for data that may be supplied with an event |
Cmlt_event_data_thread | An event data structure to convey thread parameters |
Cmlt_event_struct | Event class |
Cmlt_events_struct | Events class |
Cmlt_factory_event_data | The event data for all factory-related events |
Cmlt_field_s | Field class |
Cmlt_image_s | |
Cmlt_luma_map_s | |
Cmlt_playlist_clip_info | Structure for returning clip information from a playlist entry |
Cmlt_pool_s | Pool (memory) class |
Cmlt_profile_s | Profile class |
▼Cmlt_properties_s | Properties class |
Cmlt_frame_s | Frame class |
Cmlt_parser_s | Parser class |
Cmlt_repository_s | Repository class |
▼Cmlt_service_s | Service abstract base class |
Cmlt_consumer_s | Consumer abstract service class |
Cmlt_filter_s | Filter abstract service class |
▼Cmlt_producer_s | Producer abstract service class |
Cmlt_chain_s | Chain class |
Cmlt_link_s | Link class |
Cmlt_multitrack_s | Multitrack class |
Cmlt_playlist_s | Playlist class |
Cmlt_tractor_s | Tractor class |
Cmlt_transition_s | Transition abstract service class |
Cmlt_property_s | Property class |
Cmlt_rect | A rectangle type with coordinates, size, and opacity |
Cmlt_service_base | Private service definition |
Cmlt_slices_runtime_s | |
Cmlt_slices_s | |
Cmlt_tokeniser | Tokeniser class |
Cmlt_track_s | Track class used by mlt_multitrack_s |
Cplaylist_entry_s | Virtual playlist entry used by mlt_playlist_s |
Cproperty_list | Private implementation of the property list |
Cstrbuf_s | Private to mlt_properties_s, a self-growing buffer for building strings |
Ctrack_info | Private to mlt_producer_s, used by mlt_producer_optimise() |
Cyaml_parser_context | YAML Tiny Parser context structure |