MLT  7.30.0
Data Fields
mlt_parser_s Struct Reference

Parser class. More...

#include <mlt_parser.h>

Inheritance diagram for mlt_parser_s:

Data Fields

int(* on_end_chain )(mlt_parser self, mlt_chain object)
int(* on_end_filter )(mlt_parser self, mlt_filter object)
int(* on_end_link )(mlt_parser self, mlt_link object)
int(* on_end_multitrack )(mlt_parser self, mlt_multitrack object)
int(* on_end_playlist )(mlt_parser self, mlt_playlist object)
int(* on_end_producer )(mlt_parser self, mlt_producer object)
int(* on_end_track )(mlt_parser self)
int(* on_end_tractor )(mlt_parser self, mlt_tractor object)
int(* on_end_transition )(mlt_parser self, mlt_transition object)
int(* on_invalid )(mlt_parser self, mlt_service object)
int(* on_start_chain )(mlt_parser self, mlt_chain object)
int(* on_start_filter )(mlt_parser self, mlt_filter object)
int(* on_start_link )(mlt_parser self, mlt_link object)
int(* on_start_multitrack )(mlt_parser self, mlt_multitrack object)
int(* on_start_playlist )(mlt_parser self, mlt_playlist object)
int(* on_start_producer )(mlt_parser self, mlt_producer object)
int(* on_start_track )(mlt_parser self)
int(* on_start_tractor )(mlt_parser self, mlt_tractor object)
int(* on_start_transition )(mlt_parser self, mlt_transition object)
int(* on_unknown )(mlt_parser self, mlt_service object)
struct mlt_properties_s parent
- Data Fields inherited from mlt_properties_s
mlt_destructor close
 the destructor virtual function More...
void * close_object
 the object supplied to the close virtual function More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from mlt_properties_s
char * mlt_properties_anim_get (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int position, int length)
 Get a string value by name at a frame position. More...
mlt_color mlt_properties_anim_get_color (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int position, int length)
 Get a color associated to the name at a frame position. More...
double mlt_properties_anim_get_double (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int position, int length)
 Get a real number associated to the name at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_get_int (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int position, int length)
 Get an integer associated to the name at a frame position. More...
mlt_rect mlt_properties_anim_get_rect (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int position, int length)
 Get a rectangle associated to the name at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_set (mlt_properties self, const char *name, const char *value, int position, int length)
 Set a property to a string at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_set_color (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_color value, int position, int length, mlt_keyframe_type keyframe_type)
 Set a property to an integer value by color at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_set_double (mlt_properties self, const char *name, double value, int position, int length, mlt_keyframe_type keyframe_type)
 Set a property to a real number at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_set_int (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int value, int position, int length, mlt_keyframe_type keyframe_type)
 Set a property to an integer value at a frame position. More...
int mlt_properties_anim_set_rect (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_rect value, int position, int length, mlt_keyframe_type keyframe_type)
 Set a property to a rectangle value at a frame position. More...
void mlt_properties_clear (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Remove the value for a property. More...
void mlt_properties_close (mlt_properties self)
 Close a properties object. More...
int mlt_properties_copy (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that, const char *prefix)
 Copy all serializable properties that match a prefix to another properties object. More...
int mlt_properties_count (mlt_properties self)
 Return the number of items in the list. More...
void mlt_properties_debug (mlt_properties self, const char *title, FILE *output)
 Output the properties to a file handle. More...
int mlt_properties_dec_ref (mlt_properties self)
 Decrement the reference count. More...
int mlt_properties_dir_list (mlt_properties self, const char *dirname, const char *pattern, int sort)
 Get the contents of a directory. More...
void mlt_properties_dump (mlt_properties self, FILE *output)
 Dump the properties to a file handle. More...
int mlt_properties_exists (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Check if a property exists. More...
char * mlt_properties_frames_to_time (mlt_properties self, mlt_position frames, mlt_time_format format)
 Convert a frame count to a time string. More...
int mlt_properties_from_utf8 (mlt_properties properties, const char *name_from, const char *name_to)
 Convert UTF-8 property to the locale-defined encoding. More...
char * mlt_properties_get (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a string value by name. More...
mlt_animation mlt_properties_get_animation (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get the animation associated to the name. More...
mlt_color mlt_properties_get_color (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Convert a numeric property to a tuple of color components. More...
void * mlt_properties_get_data (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int *length)
 Get a binary data value associated to the name. More...
void * mlt_properties_get_data_at (mlt_properties self, int index, int *size)
 Get a data value by index. More...
double mlt_properties_get_double (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a floating point value associated to the name. More...
int mlt_properties_get_int (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get an integer associated to the name. More...
int64_t mlt_properties_get_int64 (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a 64-bit integer associated to the name. More...
const char * mlt_properties_get_lcnumeric (mlt_properties self)
 Get the numeric locale for this properties object. More...
char * mlt_properties_get_name (mlt_properties self, int index)
 Get a property name by index. More...
mlt_position mlt_properties_get_position (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a position value associated to the name. More...
mlt_properties mlt_properties_get_properties (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a nested properties object by name. More...
mlt_properties mlt_properties_get_properties_at (mlt_properties self, int index)
 Get a nested properties object by index. More...
mlt_rect mlt_properties_get_rect (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Get a rectangle associated to the name. More...
char * mlt_properties_get_time (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_time_format format)
 Get a time string associated to the name. More...
char * mlt_properties_get_value (mlt_properties self, int index)
 Get a property's string value by index. More...
char * mlt_properties_get_value_tf (mlt_properties self, int index, mlt_time_format time_format)
 Get a property's string value by index (with time format). More...
int mlt_properties_inc_ref (mlt_properties self)
 Increment the reference count. More...
int mlt_properties_inherit (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that)
 Copy all serializable properties to another properties list. More...
int mlt_properties_init (mlt_properties self, void *child)
 Initialize a properties object that was already allocated. More...
int mlt_properties_is_anim (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Check if a property is animated. More...
int mlt_properties_is_sequence (mlt_properties properties)
 Determine if the properties list is really just a sequence or ordered list. More...
mlt_properties mlt_properties_load (const char *filename)
 Create a properties object by reading a .properties text file. More...
void mlt_properties_lock (mlt_properties self)
 Protect a properties list against concurrent access. More...
void mlt_properties_mirror (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that)
 Set a properties list to be a mirror copy of another. More...
mlt_properties mlt_properties_new ()
 Create a properties object. More...
int mlt_properties_parse (mlt_properties self, const char *namevalue)
 Set a value by parsing a name=value string. More...
mlt_properties mlt_properties_parse_yaml (const char *filename)
 Parse a YAML Tiny file by name. More...
int mlt_properties_pass (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that, const char *prefix)
 Pass all serializable properties that match a prefix to another properties object. More...
int mlt_properties_pass_list (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that, const char *list)
 Copy all properties specified in a comma-separated list to another properties list. More...
void mlt_properties_pass_property (mlt_properties self, mlt_properties that, const char *name)
 Copy a property to another properties list. More...
int mlt_properties_preset (mlt_properties self, const char *name)
 Set properties from a preset. More...
int mlt_properties_ref_count (mlt_properties self)
 Get the reference count. More...
int mlt_properties_rename (mlt_properties self, const char *source, const char *dest)
 Rename a property. More...
int mlt_properties_save (mlt_properties self, const char *filename)
 Save the properties to a file by name. More...
char * mlt_properties_serialise_yaml (mlt_properties self)
 Serialize a properties list as a string of YAML Tiny. More...
int mlt_properties_set (mlt_properties self, const char *name, const char *value)
 Set a property to a string. More...
int mlt_properties_set_color (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_color color)
 Set a property to an integer value by color. More...
int mlt_properties_set_data (mlt_properties self, const char *name, void *value, int length, mlt_destructor destroy, mlt_serialiser serialise)
 Store binary data as a property. More...
int mlt_properties_set_double (mlt_properties self, const char *name, double value)
 Set a property to a floating point value. More...
int mlt_properties_set_int (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int value)
 Set a property to an integer value. More...
int mlt_properties_set_int64 (mlt_properties self, const char *name, int64_t value)
 Set a property to a 64-bit integer value. More...
int mlt_properties_set_lcnumeric (mlt_properties self, const char *locale)
 Set the numeric locale used for string/double conversions. More...
int mlt_properties_set_or_default (mlt_properties self, const char *name, const char *value, const char *def)
 Set or default a property to a string. More...
int mlt_properties_set_position (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_position value)
 Set a property to a position value. More...
int mlt_properties_set_properties (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_properties properties)
 Set a property to a nested properties object. More...
int mlt_properties_set_rect (mlt_properties self, const char *name, mlt_rect value)
 Set a property to a rectangle value. More...
int mlt_properties_set_string (mlt_properties self, const char *name, const char *value)
 Set a property to a string. More...
mlt_position mlt_properties_time_to_frames (mlt_properties self, const char *time)
 Convert a time string to a frame count. More...
void mlt_properties_unlock (mlt_properties self)
 End protecting a properties list against concurrent access. More...

Detailed Description

Parser class.

Field Documentation

◆ on_end_chain

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_chain) (mlt_parser self, mlt_chain object)

◆ on_end_filter

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_filter) (mlt_parser self, mlt_filter object)

◆ on_end_link

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_link) (mlt_parser self, mlt_link object)

◆ on_end_multitrack

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_multitrack) (mlt_parser self, mlt_multitrack object)

◆ on_end_playlist

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_playlist) (mlt_parser self, mlt_playlist object)

◆ on_end_producer

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_producer) (mlt_parser self, mlt_producer object)

◆ on_end_track

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_track) (mlt_parser self)

◆ on_end_tractor

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_tractor) (mlt_parser self, mlt_tractor object)

◆ on_end_transition

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_end_transition) (mlt_parser self, mlt_transition object)

◆ on_invalid

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_invalid) (mlt_parser self, mlt_service object)

◆ on_start_chain

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_chain) (mlt_parser self, mlt_chain object)

◆ on_start_filter

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_filter) (mlt_parser self, mlt_filter object)

◆ on_start_link

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_link) (mlt_parser self, mlt_link object)

◆ on_start_multitrack

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_multitrack) (mlt_parser self, mlt_multitrack object)

◆ on_start_playlist

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_playlist) (mlt_parser self, mlt_playlist object)

◆ on_start_producer

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_producer) (mlt_parser self, mlt_producer object)

◆ on_start_track

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_track) (mlt_parser self)

◆ on_start_tractor

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_tractor) (mlt_parser self, mlt_tractor object)

◆ on_start_transition

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_start_transition) (mlt_parser self, mlt_transition object)

◆ on_unknown

int(* mlt_parser_s::on_unknown) (mlt_parser self, mlt_service object)

◆ parent

struct mlt_properties_s mlt_parser_s::parent

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: