MLT  7.30.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 mlt.hHeader file for lazy client and implementation code :-)
 mlt_animation.cProperty Animation class definition
 mlt_animation.hProperty Animation class declaration
 mlt_audio.cAudio class
 mlt_audio.hAudio class
 mlt_cache.cLeast recently used cache
 mlt_cache.hLeast recently used cache
 mlt_chain.cLink service class
 mlt_chain.hChain service class
 mlt_consumer.cAbstraction for all consumer services
 mlt_consumer.hAbstraction for all consumer services
 mlt_deque.cDouble ended queue
 mlt_deque.hDouble ended queue
 mlt_events.cEvent handling
 mlt_events.hEvent handling
 mlt_factory.cFactory method interfaces
 mlt_factory.hFactory method interfaces
 mlt_field.cField for planting multiple transitions and filters
 mlt_field.hField for planting multiple transitions and services
 mlt_filter.cAbstraction for all filter services
 mlt_filter.hAbstraction for all filter services
 mlt_frame.cInterface for all frame classes
 mlt_frame.hInterface for all frame classes
 mlt_image.cImage class
 mlt_image.hImage class
 mlt_link.cLink service class
 mlt_link.hLink service class
 mlt_log.cLogging functions
 mlt_log.hLogging functions
 mlt_luma_map.cFunctions to generate and read luma-wipe transition maps
 mlt_multitrack.cMultitrack service class
 mlt_multitrack.hMultitrack service class
 mlt_parser.cService parsing functionality
 mlt_parser.hService parsing functionality
 mlt_playlist.cPlaylist service class
 mlt_playlist.hPlaylist service class
 mlt_pool.cMemory pooling functionality
 mlt_pool.hMemory pooling functionality
 mlt_producer.cAbstraction for all producer services
 mlt_producer.hAbstraction for all producer services
 mlt_profile.cVideo output definition
 mlt_profile.hVideo output definition
 mlt_properties.cProperties class definition
 mlt_properties.hProperties class declaration
 mlt_property.cProperty class definition
 mlt_property.hProperty class declaration
 mlt_repository.cMap between service and shared objects
 mlt_repository.hMap between service and shared objects
 mlt_service.cInterface definition for all service classes
 mlt_service.hInterface declaration for all service classes
 mlt_slices.cSliced threading processing helper
 mlt_slices.hSliced threading processing helper
 mlt_tokeniser.cString tokeniser
 mlt_tokeniser.hString tokeniser
 mlt_tractor.cTractor service class
 mlt_tractor.hTractor service class
 mlt_transition.cAbstraction for all transition services
 mlt_transition.hAbstraction for all transition services
 mlt_types.cMlt types helper functions
 mlt_types.hProvides forward definitions of all public types
 mlt_version.cVersion information
 mlt_version.hVersion information