MLT  7.30.0
Public Member Functions | Data Fields | Private Member Functions
mlt_animation_s Struct Reference

Property Animation class. More...

Public Member Functions

void mlt_animation_close (mlt_animation self)
 Close the animation and deallocate all of its resources. More...
int mlt_animation_get_item (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item, int position)
 Load an animation item for an absolute position. More...
int mlt_animation_get_length (mlt_animation self)
 Get the length of the animation. More...
const char * mlt_animation_get_string (mlt_animation self)
 Get the cached serialization string. More...
int mlt_animation_insert (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item)
 Insert an animation item. More...
void mlt_animation_interpolate (mlt_animation self)
 Re-interpolate non-keyframe nodes after a series of insertions or removals. More...
int mlt_animation_key_count (mlt_animation self)
 Get the number of keyframes. More...
int mlt_animation_key_get (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item, int index)
 Get an animation item for the N-th keyframe. More...
int mlt_animation_key_set_frame (mlt_animation self, int index, int frame)
 Change the frame number for the N-th keyframe. More...
int mlt_animation_key_set_type (mlt_animation self, int index, mlt_keyframe_type type)
 Change the interpolation for the N-th keyframe. More...
mlt_animation mlt_animation_new ()
 Create a new animation object. More...
int mlt_animation_next_key (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item, int position)
 Get the keyfame at the position or the next following. More...
int mlt_animation_parse (mlt_animation self, const char *data, int length, double fps, mlt_locale_t locale)
 Parse a string representing an animation. More...
int mlt_animation_parse_item (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item, const char *value)
 Parse a string representing an animation keyframe=value. More...
int mlt_animation_prev_key (mlt_animation self, mlt_animation_item item, int position)
 Get the keyfame at the position or the next preceding. More...
int mlt_animation_refresh (mlt_animation self, const char *data, int length)
 Conditionally refresh the animation if it is modified. More...
int mlt_animation_remove (mlt_animation self, int position)
 Remove the keyframe at the specified position. More...
char * mlt_animation_serialize (mlt_animation self)
 Serialize the animation. More...
char * mlt_animation_serialize_cut (mlt_animation self, int in, int out)
 Serialize a cut of the animation. More...
char * mlt_animation_serialize_cut_tf (mlt_animation self, int in, int out, mlt_time_format time_format)
 Serialize a cut of the animation (with time format). More...
char * mlt_animation_serialize_tf (mlt_animation self, mlt_time_format time_format)
 Serialize the animation (with time format). More...
void mlt_animation_set_length (mlt_animation self, int length)
 Set the length of the animation. More...
void mlt_animation_shift_frames (mlt_animation self, int shift)
 Shift the frame value for all nodes. More...

Data Fields

char * data
 the string representing the animation More...
double fps
 framerate to use when converting time clock strings to frame units More...
int length
 the maximum number of frames to use when interpreting negative keyframe positions More...
mlt_locale_t locale
 pointer to a locale to use when converting strings to numeric values More...
animation_node nodes
 a linked list of keyframes (and possibly non-keyframe values) More...

Private Member Functions

static double catmull_rom_interpolate (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double t, double alpha, double tension)
 A Catmull–Rom interpolation function. More...
static double distance (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
 Calculate the distance between two points. More...
static int interpolate_item (mlt_animation_item item, mlt_animation_item p[], double fps, mlt_locale_t locale)
 Interpolate a new animation item given a set of other items. More...
static double linear_interpolate (double y1, double y2, double t)
 A linear interpolation function. More...
static void mlt_animation_clean (mlt_animation self)
 Reset an animation and free all strings and properties. More...
void mlt_animation_clear_string (mlt_animation self)
 Clear the cached serialization string. More...
static int mlt_animation_drop (mlt_animation self, animation_node node)
 Remove a node from the linked list. More...

Detailed Description

Property Animation class.

This is the animation engine for a Property object. It is dependent upon the mlt_property API and used by the various mlt_property_anim_* functions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ catmull_rom_interpolate()

static double catmull_rom_interpolate ( double  x0,
double  y0,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
double  x3,
double  y3,
double  t,
double  alpha,
double  tension 

A Catmull–Rom interpolation function.

As described here: And further reduced here with tension added:

This imlementation supports the alpha value which can be set to 0.5 to result in centripetal Catmull–Rom splines. Centripital Catmull–Rom splines are guaranteed to not have any cusps or loops. These are not desirable because they result in the value reversing direction when interpolation from one point to the next.

To use this function for animation item interpolation, provide 4 points: two points preceeding t and two points following t. Use the item frame number as the x and the item value as y for each point. t should represent the fractional progress between point 1 and point 2.

If fewer than 2 points are available, then duplicate the first and/or last points as necessary to meet the requirement for 4 points.

alpha0.0 for the uniform spline 0.5 for the centripetal spline (no cusps) 1.0 for the chordal spline.
tension1.0 results in the most natural slope at x1,y1 and x2,y2 0.0 results in a horizontal tangent at x1,y1 and x2,y2 (slope of 0). -1.0 results in the most natural slope at x1,y1 and x2,y2 unless x1 or x2 represents a peak. In the case of peaks, a horizontal tangent will be used to avoid overshoot.

◆ distance()

static double distance ( double  x0,
double  y0,
double  x1,
double  y1 

Calculate the distance between two points.

◆ interpolate_item()

static int interpolate_item ( mlt_animation_item  item,
mlt_animation_item  p[],
double  fps,
mlt_locale_t  locale 

Interpolate a new animation item given a set of other items.

iteman unpopulated animation item to be interpolated. The frame and keyframe_type fields must already be set. The value for "frame" is the postion at which the value will be interpolated. The value for "keyframe_type" determines which interpolation will be used.
pa sequential array of 4 animation items. The frame value for item must lie between the frame values for p[1] and p[2].
fpsthe frame rate, which may be needed for converting a time string to frame units
localethe locale, which may be needed for converting a string to a real number
true if there was an error

◆ linear_interpolate()

static double linear_interpolate ( double  y1,
double  y2,
double  t 

A linear interpolation function.

◆ mlt_animation_clean()

static void mlt_animation_clean ( mlt_animation  self)

Reset an animation and free all strings and properties.

selfan animation

◆ mlt_animation_clear_string()

void mlt_animation_clear_string ( mlt_animation  self)

Clear the cached serialization string.

selfan animation

◆ mlt_animation_close()

void mlt_animation_close ( mlt_animation  self)

Close the animation and deallocate all of its resources.

selfthe animation to destroy

◆ mlt_animation_drop()

static int mlt_animation_drop ( mlt_animation  self,
animation_node  node 

Remove a node from the linked list.

selfan animation
nodethe node to remove

◆ mlt_animation_get_item()

int mlt_animation_get_item ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item,
int  position 

Load an animation item for an absolute position.

This performs interpolation if there is no keyframe at the position.

selfan animation
iteman already allocated animation item that will be filled in
positionthe frame number for the point in time
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_get_length()

int mlt_animation_get_length ( mlt_animation  self)

Get the length of the animation.

If the animation was initialized with a zero or negative value, then this gets the maximum frame number from animation's list of nodes.

selfan animation
the number of frames

◆ mlt_animation_get_string()

const char * mlt_animation_get_string ( mlt_animation  self)

Get the cached serialization string.

This can be used to determine if the animation has been modified because the string is cleared whenever the animation is changed.

selfan animation
the cached serialization string

◆ mlt_animation_insert()

int mlt_animation_insert ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item 

Insert an animation item.

selfan animation
iteman animation item
true if there was an error
See also

◆ mlt_animation_interpolate()

void mlt_animation_interpolate ( mlt_animation  self)

Re-interpolate non-keyframe nodes after a series of insertions or removals.

selfan animation

◆ mlt_animation_key_count()

int mlt_animation_key_count ( mlt_animation  self)

Get the number of keyframes.

selfan animation
the number of keyframes or -1 on error

◆ mlt_animation_key_get()

int mlt_animation_key_get ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item,
int  index 

Get an animation item for the N-th keyframe.

selfan animation
iteman already allocated animation item that will be filled in
indexthe N-th keyframe (0 based) in this animation
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_key_set_frame()

int mlt_animation_key_set_frame ( mlt_animation  self,
int  index,
int  frame 

Change the frame number for the N-th keyframe.

selfan animation
indexthe N-th keyframe (0 based) in this animation
framethe position of this keyframe in frame units
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_key_set_type()

int mlt_animation_key_set_type ( mlt_animation  self,
int  index,
mlt_keyframe_type  type 

Change the interpolation for the N-th keyframe.

selfan animation
indexthe N-th keyframe (0 based) in this animation
typethe method of interpolation for this key frame
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_new()

mlt_animation mlt_animation_new ( )

Create a new animation object.

an animation object

◆ mlt_animation_next_key()

int mlt_animation_next_key ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item,
int  position 

Get the keyfame at the position or the next following.

selfan animation
iteman already allocated animation item which will be updated
positionthe frame number at which to start looking for the next animation node
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_parse()

int mlt_animation_parse ( mlt_animation  self,
const char *  data,
int  length,
double  fps,
mlt_locale_t  locale 

Parse a string representing an animation.

A semicolon is the delimiter between keyframe=value items in the string.

selfan animation
datathe string representing an animation
lengththe maximum number of frames when interpreting negative keyframe times, <=0 if you don't care or need that
fpsthe framerate to use when evaluating time strings
localethe locale to use when converting strings to numbers
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_parse_item()

int mlt_animation_parse_item ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item,
const char *  value 

Parse a string representing an animation keyframe=value.

This function does not affect the animation itself! But it will use some state of the animation for the parsing (e.g. fps, locale). It parses into a mlt_animation_item that you provide. item->frame should be specified if the string does not have an equal sign and time field. If an exclamation point (!) or vertical bar (|) character precedes the equal sign, then the keyframe interpolation is set to discrete. If a tilde (~) precedes the equal sign, then the keyframe interpolation is set to smooth (spline).

selfan animation
iteman already allocated animation item
valuethe string representing an animation
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_prev_key()

int mlt_animation_prev_key ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_animation_item  item,
int  position 

Get the keyfame at the position or the next preceding.

selfan animation
iteman already allocated animation item which will be updated
positionthe frame number at which to start looking for the previous animation node
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_refresh()

int mlt_animation_refresh ( mlt_animation  self,
const char *  data,
int  length 

Conditionally refresh the animation if it is modified.

selfan animation
datathe string representing an animation
lengththe maximum number of frames when interpreting negative keyframe times, <=0 if you don't care or need that
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_remove()

int mlt_animation_remove ( mlt_animation  self,
int  position 

Remove the keyframe at the specified position.

selfan animation
positionthe frame number of the animation node to remove
true if there was an error

◆ mlt_animation_serialize()

char * mlt_animation_serialize ( mlt_animation  self)

Serialize the animation.

This version outputs the key frames' position as a frame number. The caller is responsible for free-ing the returned string.

selfan animation
a string representing the animation

◆ mlt_animation_serialize_cut()

char * mlt_animation_serialize_cut ( mlt_animation  self,
int  in,
int  out 

Serialize a cut of the animation.

This version outputs the key frames' position as a frame number. The caller is responsible for free-ing the returned string.

selfan animation
inthe frame at which to start serializing animation nodes
outthe frame at which to stop serializing nodes
a string representing the animation

◆ mlt_animation_serialize_cut_tf()

char * mlt_animation_serialize_cut_tf ( mlt_animation  self,
int  in,
int  out,
mlt_time_format  time_format 

Serialize a cut of the animation (with time format).

The caller is responsible for free-ing the returned string.

selfan animation
inthe frame at which to start serializing animation nodes
outthe frame at which to stop serializing nodes
time_formatthe time format to use for the key frames
a string representing the animation

◆ mlt_animation_serialize_tf()

char * mlt_animation_serialize_tf ( mlt_animation  self,
mlt_time_format  time_format 

Serialize the animation (with time format).

The caller is responsible for free-ing the returned string.

selfan animation
time_formatthe time format to use for the key frames
a string representing the animation

◆ mlt_animation_set_length()

void mlt_animation_set_length ( mlt_animation  self,
int  length 

Set the length of the animation.

The length is used for interpreting negative keyframe positions as relative to the length. It is also used when serializing an animation as a string.

selfan animation
lengththe length of the animation in frame units

◆ mlt_animation_shift_frames()

void mlt_animation_shift_frames ( mlt_animation  self,
int  shift 

Shift the frame value for all nodes.

selfan animation
shiftthe value to add to all frame values

Field Documentation

◆ data

char* mlt_animation_s::data

the string representing the animation

◆ fps

double mlt_animation_s::fps

framerate to use when converting time clock strings to frame units

◆ length

int mlt_animation_s::length

the maximum number of frames to use when interpreting negative keyframe positions

◆ locale

mlt_locale_t mlt_animation_s::locale

pointer to a locale to use when converting strings to numeric values

◆ nodes

animation_node mlt_animation_s::nodes

a linked list of keyframes (and possibly non-keyframe values)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: