rescale the scaling algorithm to pass on to all scaling filters, defaults to "bilinear"
buffer the number of frames to use in the asynchronous render thread, defaults to 25
prefill the number of frames to render before commencing output when real_time <> 0, defaults to the size of buffer
drop_max the maximum number of consecutively dropped frames, defaults to 5
frequency the audio sample rate to use in Hertz, defaults to 48000
channels the number of audio channels to use, defaults to 2
channel_layout the layout of the audio channels, defaults to auto. other options include: mono, stereo, 5.1, 7.1, etc.
real_time the asynchronous behavior: 1 (default) for asynchronous with frame dropping, -1 for asynchronous without frame dropping, 0 to disable (synchronous)
test_card the name of a resource to use as the test card, defaults to environment variable MLT_TEST_CARD. If undefined, the hard-coded default test card is white silence. A test card is what appears when nothing is produced.
fps video frames per second as floating point (read only)
frame_rate_num the numerator of the video frame rate, overrides mlt_profile_s
frame_rate_den the denominator of the video frame rate, overrides mlt_profile_s
width the horizontal video resolution, overrides mlt_profile_s
height the vertical video resolution, overrides mlt_profile_s
progressive a flag that indicates if the video is interlaced or progressive, overrides mlt_profile_s
aspect_ratio the video sample (pixel) aspect ratio as floating point (read only)
sample_aspect_num the numerator of the sample aspect ratio, overrides mlt_profile_s
sample_aspect_den the denominator of the sample aspect ratio, overrides mlt_profile_s
display_ratio the video frame aspect ratio as floating point (read only)
display_aspect_num the numerator of the video frame aspect ratio, overrides mlt_profile_s
display_aspect_den the denominator of the video frame aspect ratio, overrides mlt_profile_s
priority the OS scheduling priority for the render threads when real_time is not 0.
top_field_first when not progressive, whether interlace field order is top-field-first, defaults to 0. Set this to -1 if the consumer does not care about the field order.
mlt_image_format the image format to request in rendering threads, defaults to yuv422
mlt_audio_format the audio format to request in rendering threads, defaults to S16
audio_off set non-zero to disable audio processing
video_off set non-zero to disable video processing
drop_count the number of video frames not rendered since starting consumer
color_range the color range as tv/mpeg (limited) or pc/jpeg (full); default is unset, which implies tv/mpeg
color_trc the color transfer characteristic (gamma), default is unset
deinterlacer the deinterlace algorithm to pass to deinterlace filters, defaults to "yadif"
track the index of the track of a multitrack on which the filter is applied
service a reference to the service to which this filter is attached.
disable Set this to disable the filter while keeping it in the object model. Currently this is not cleared when the filter is detached.
test_image set if the frame holds a "test card" image
test_audio set if the frame holds "test card" audio
_producer holds a reference to the frame's end producer
_speed the current speed of the producer that generated the frame
_position the position of the frame
meta.* holds metadata
hide set to 1 to hide the video, 2 to mute the audio
last_track a flag to indicate an end-of-tracks frame
previous frame a reference to the unfiltered preceding frame (no speed factor applied, only available when _need_previous_next is set on the producer)
next frame a reference to the unfiltered following frame (no speed factor applied, only available when _need_previous_next is set on the producer)
colorspace the standard for the YUV coefficients
force_full_luma luma range handling: 1 for full range, 0 for scaling (DEPRECATED)
color_trc the color transfer characteristic (gamma)
audio_frequency the sample rate of the audio
audio_channels the number of audio channels
audio_samples the number of audio samples
audio_format the mlt_audio_format for the audio on this frame
format the mlt_image_format of the image on this frame
width the horizontal resolution of the image
height the vertical resolution of the image
aspect_ratio the sample aspect ratio of the image
full_range set if the video is full range - only applies to Y'CbCr
meta.playlist.clip_position mlt_playlist sets this property to the time position of this frame's clip in the playlist
meta.playlist.clip_length mlt_playlist sets this property to the playlist index of this frame's clip in the playlist
autoclose Set this true if you are doing sequential processing and want to automatically close producers as they are finished being used to free resources.
meta.fx_cut Set true on a producer to indicate that it is a "fx_cut," which is a way to add filters as a playlist entry - useful only in a multitrack. See FxCut in the docs.
hide Set to 1 to hide the video (make it an audio-only track), 2 to hide the audio (make it a video-only track), or 3 to hide audio and video (hidden track). This property only applies when using a multitrack or transition.
mlt_type the name of the service subclass, e.g. mlt_producer
mlt_service the name of a producer subclass
_position the current position of the play head, relative to the in point
_frame the current position of the play head, relative to the beginning of the resource
_speed the current speed factor, where 1.0 is normal
aspect_ratio sample aspect ratio
length the duration of the cut in frames
eof the end-of-file behavior, one of: pause, continue, loop
resource the file name, stream address, or the class name in angle brackets
_cut set if this producer is a "cut" producer
mlt_mix stores the data for a "mix" producer
_cut_parent holds a reference to the cut's parent producer
ignore_points Set this to temporarily disable the in and out points.
use_clone holds a reference to a clone's producer, as created by mlt_producer_optimise
_clone is the index of the clone in the list of clones stored on the clone's producer
_clones is the number of clones of the producer, as created by mlt_producer_optimise
_clone.{N} holds a reference to the N'th clone of the producer, as created by mlt_producer_optimise
meta.* holds metadata - there is a loose taxonomy to be defined
set.* holds properties to set on a frame produced
a cached list of user locales mlt_type identifies the subclass
_mlt_service_hidden a flag that indicates whether to hide the mlt_service
mlt_service is the name of the implementation of the service
resource is either the stream identifier or grandchild-class
in when to start, what is started is service-specific
out when to stop
_filter_private Set this on a service to ensure that attached filters are handled privately. See modules/core/filter_watermark.c for example.
_profile stores the mlt_profile for a service
_unique_id is a unique identifier
_need_previous_next boolean that instructs producers to get preceding and following frames inside of mlt_service_get_frame
multitrack holds a reference to the mulitrack object that a tractor manages
field holds a reference to the field object that a tractor manages
producer holds a reference to an encapsulated producer
a_track the track index (0-based) of a multitrack of the first producer
b_track the track index (0-based) of a multitrack of the second producer
accepts_blanks a flag to indicate if the transition should accept blank frames
always_active a flag to indicate that the in and out points do not apply
_transition_type 1 for video, 2 for audio, 3 for both audio and video
disable Set this to disable the transition while keeping it in the object model.