Metadata YAML Sample

schema_version: 0.1
type: producer # consumer, filter, producer, or transition
identifier: avformat
title: FFmpeg Reader
version: 0.2.5
copyright: Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Meltytech, LLC
license: LGPL
language: en
creator: Charles Yates
  - Dan Dennedy
  - Audio # this may produce audio
  - Video # this may produce video
description: Read an audio and/or video file using FFmpeg
  filename: avformat/producer.png # relative to $MLT_DATA/modules/
  content-type: image/png
  content-encoding: base64 # could also be hex or none if inline SVG
  content: |

notes: Implementation or additional usage notes go here.
bugs: # this can be just for documentation, or the tool may disclose it to help user avoid pitfalls
  - Audio sync discrepancy with some content.
  - Not all libavformat supported formats are seekable.
  - >
    Seeking is not always accurate. Sometimes it doesn't seek to I-frames so you
    may get junk for a few frames.
  - >
    Fails to play beyond first frame of video of sources with PTS not starting
    at 0 (video4linux).

  - identifier: argument # 'argument' is a reserved name for a value supplied to the factory
    title: File  # the title can be used as a label for the widget
    type: string
    description: |
      A file name specification or URL in the form:
      For example, video4linux:/dev/video1?width:320&height:240
      Note: on the bash command line, & must be escaped as '\&'.
      Also, note the use of ':' instead of '=' for parameters.
      Use 'ffmpeg -formats' to see a list of supported protocols and formats.
    readonly: no
    required: yes
    mutable: no
    widget: fileopen # could provide a button to use a file-open dialog

  - identifier: audio_index # the name is the mlt_properties name
    title: Audio Index
    type: integer
    # the description can be used in a tool tip
    description: Choose the index of audio stream to use (-1 is off)
    readonly: no
    mutable: no
    minimum: -1
    # when maximum not specified, the scalar limit is used
    default: 0
    widget: spinner

  - identifier: video_index
    title: Video Index
    type: integer
    description: Choose the index of video stream to use (-1 is off)
    readonly: no
    mutable: no
    minimum: -1
    default: 0
    widget: spinner

  - identifier: in
    title: In Point
    type: time # time is not implemented, but it will correspond to the mlt_position replacement
    description: Set the start time offset to use within the clip
    readonly: no
    mutable: no
    minimum: 0
    default: 0
    widget: timecode # this is a special form of time value/code entry (e.g. see Kino)

  - identifier: out
    title: Out Point
    type: time
    description: Set the ending time offset to use within the clip
    readonly: no
    minimum: 0
    mutable: no
    widget: timecode # as opposed to time, which could be confused for a wallclock-style time widget

  - identifier: threads
    title: Decoding Threads
    type: integer
    description: Choose the number of threads to use in the decoder(s)
    readonly: no
    mutable: no
    minimum: 0
    maximum: 4
    default: 1
    widget: spinner
    unit: threads # the unit is a label that appears after the widget

  - identifier: force_aspect_ratio
    title: Sample Aspect Ratio
    type: float
    description: Optionally override a (mis)detected aspect ratio
    readonly: no
    mutable: yes
    minimum: 0.001 # just a UI suggestion
    maximum: 9.999 # just a suggestion
    # no default property means it should be blank in the UI and not applied unless provided

  - identifier: resource
    title: File
    type: string
    description: file or protocol specification
    readonly: yes

  - identifier: source_fps
    title: Frame Rate
    type: float
    scale: 2 # scale is the number of digits to display after the decimal point
    description: the framerate of the resource
    readonly: yes
    unit: frames/second

  - identifier: aspect_ratio
    title: Sample Aspect Ratio
    type: float
    description: >
      The sample aspect ratio of the resource.
      This is determined on every frame read.
    readonly: yes

  - identifier: length
    title: Duration
    type: time
    description: duration
    readonly: yes
    widget: timecode

  - identifier: seekable
    title: Supports Seek
    type: integer
    description: if the resource can seek
    readonly: yes



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