MLT  7.30.0
Events Dictionary
Class mlt_consumer_s

consumer-frame-show Subclass implementations fire this immediately after showing a frame or when a frame should be shown (if audio-only consumer). The event data is a frame.

consumer-frame-render The base class fires this immediately before rendering a frame; the event data is a frame.

consumer-thread-create Override the implementation of creating and starting a thread by listening and responding to this (real_time 1 or -1 only). The event data is a pointer to mlt_event_data_thread.

consumer-thread-join Override the implementation of waiting and joining a terminated thread by listening and responding to this (real_time 1 or -1 only). The event data is a pointer to mlt_event_data_thread.

consumer-thread-started The base class fires when beginning execution of a rendering thread.

consumer-thread-stopped The base class fires when a rendering thread has ended.

consumer-stopping This is fired when stop was requested, but before render threads are joined.

consumer-stopped This is fired when the subclass implementation calls mlt_consumer_stopped().

Global mlt_factory_init (const char *directory)

producer-create-request fired when mlt_factory_producer is called; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

producer-create-done fired when a producer registers itself; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

filter-create-request fired when mlt_factory_filter is called; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

filter-create-done fired when a filter registers itself; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

transition-create-request fired when mlt_factory_transition is called; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

transition-create-done fired when a transition registers itself; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

consumer-create-request fired when mlt_factory_consumer is called; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

consumer-create-done fired when a consumer registers itself; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

link-create-request fired when mlt_factory_link is called; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

link-create-done fired when a link registers itself; the event data is a pointer to mlt_factory_event_data

Class mlt_playlist_s
playlist-next The playlist fires this when it moves to the next item in the list. The event data is an integer of the index of the entry that just completed.
Class mlt_producer_s
producer-changed either service-changed was fired or the timing of the producer changed
Class mlt_properties_s
property-changed a property's value changed; the event data is a string for the name of the property
Class mlt_service_s

service-changed a filter was attached or detached or a transition was connected or disconnected

property-changed a property's value changed; the event data is a string for the name of the property