Transition: affine

Plugin Information

title: Transform
media types: Video
version: 6
creator: Charles Yates
contributor: Dan Dennedy
copyright: Meltytech, LLC
license: LGPLv2.1



title: Ignore aspect ratio
description: Determines whether the image aspect ratio will be distorted while scaling to completely fill the rectangle.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Upscale to fill
description: Determines whether the image will be scaled up to fill the rectangle or whether the size will be constrained to 100% of the profile resolution.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 1
widget: checkbox


title: Disable looping
description: When animating properties with keyframes, whether to repeat the animation after it reaches the last key frame.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Disable ping-pong
description: When animating properties with keyframes and repeat_off=0, whether the animation alternates between reverses and forwards for each repetition.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Period
description: The duration to use when interpreting key frames for animation. If 0, the default, the transition length is used. If in range (0, 1), a percentage of transition length; otherwise, the number of frames.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0


title: Key-framed
description: Whether rotate, shear, and offset are key-framed or not.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Horizontal offset
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
default: 0
unit: pixels


title: Vertical offset
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
minimum: 0
default: 0
unit: pixels


title: Rotate on X axis
description: Animate rotation around the X axis. If keyed=0, the amount to rotate per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Rotate on Y axis
description: Animate rotation around the Y axis. If keyed=0, the amount to rotate per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Rotate on Z axis
description: Animate rotation around the Z axis. If keyed=0, the amount to rotate per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: X axis rotation
description: Fixed amount of rotation around the X axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Y axis rotation
description: Fixed amount of rotation around the Y axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Z axis rotation
description: Fixed amount of rotation around the Z axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Shear along X axis
description: Animate shear along the X axis. If keyed=0, the shear angle increment per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Shear along Y axis
description: Animate shear along the Y axis. If keyed=0, the shear angle increment per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Shear along Z axis
description: Animate shear along the Z axis. If keyed=0, the shear angle increment per frame.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: X axis shear
description: Fixed amount of shear along the X axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Y axis shear
description: Fixed amount of shear along the Y axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Z axis shear
description: Fixed amount of shear along the Z axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0
unit: degrees


title: Ping-pong
description: When animating properties with key frames, whether the animation should behave with a ping-pong effect once over the duration of the transition. It will run in the forward direction over the first half the transition and in the reverse direction over the second half.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no


title: Scale
description: Whether to automatic upscale B frame image to ensure the rectangle is filled.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Horizontal scale
description: A scale factor applied along the X axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0


title: Vertical scale
description: A scale factor applied along the Y axis.
type: float
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0


title: Invert Scale
description: Whether to invert the scale_x and scale_y values. This is helpful to make animation interpolation sane because otherwise the scale values do not animate linearly.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0
widget: checkbox


title: Affect alpha channel
description: Whether to use the B frame's alpha channel in transformations for the output, The affine filter sets this to 1 by default. Basically, this tells the blend function to use the Porter-Duff atop mode instead of the default over.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0


title: Fill rectangle
description: Determines whether the image will be scaled up to fill the rectangle. Otherwise, if the B frame image fits within the rectangle, it will not be scaled. If 0, and the B frame image exceeds the rectangle, then it is scaled down to fit within the rectangle.
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 1
widget: checkbox


title: Horizontal alignment
description: Set the horizontal alignment within the rectangle.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: left
widget: combo

  • left
  • center
  • right


title: Vertical alignment
description: Set the vertical alignment within the rectangle.
type: string
readonly: no
required: no
default: top
widget: combo

  • top
  • middle
  • bottom


title: Thread count
description: Use 0 to use the slice count, which defaults to the number of detected CPUs. Otherwise, set the number of threads to use up to the slice count.
readonly: no
required: no
minimum: 0
default: 0


title: Rectangle
description: This specifies the size and position of the image. The format of this is "X/Y:WxH[:opacity]" and can be animated with key frames. If you use percentages you must use them for every field in the above format. For example, you cannot mix and match usage of absolute coordinates and percentages for size and opacity.
type: rect
readonly: no
required: no
animation: yes
default: 0%/0%:100%x100%:100%


title: Do not use full resolution of B frame
type: boolean
readonly: no
required: no
default: 0



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