MLT_PRODUCER the name of a default producer often used by other services, defaults to "loader"
MLT_CONSUMER the name of a default consumer, defaults to "sdl2" followed by "sdl"
MLT_TEST_CARD the name of a producer or file to be played when nothing is available (all tracks blank)
MLT_DATA overrides the default full path to the MLT and module supplemental data files, defaults to PREFIX_DATA
MLT_PROFILE selects the default mlt_profile_s, defaults to "dv_pal"
MLT_REPOSITORY overrides the default location of the plugin modules, defaults to PREFIX_LIB
MLT_PRESETS_PATH overrides the default full path to the properties preset files, defaults to MLT_DATA/presets
MLT_REPOSITORY_DENY colon separated list of modules to skip. Example: libmltplus:libmltavformat:libmltfrei0r In case both qt5 and qt6 modules are found and none of both is blocked by MLT_REPOSITORY_DENY, qt6 will be blocked
MLT_PROFILES_PATH overrides the default full path to the profile preset files, defaults to MLT_DATA/profiles
MLT_PROFILE the profile preset to use, defaults to "dv_pal"